Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Madan Mohan's 100th Birth Anniversary


Madan Mohan Kohli, born on 25 June 1924, better known as Madan Mohan, was an Indian music director of the 1950s, 1960s and the 1970s. He is considered one of the most melodious and skilled music directors of the Hindi film industry. He is particularly remembered for the immortal ghazals he composed for Hindi films. Some of his best works are with singers Lata Mangeshkar, Mohammed Rafi and Talat Mahmood.

Mozambique Independence Day

Independence Day in Mozambique, also known as ‘Dia da IndependĂȘncia Nacional’, is a significant national public holiday commemorating the country’s liberation from Portuguese colonial rule on June 25, 1975. After enduring over four centuries of colonization by Portugal and a decade-long struggle known as the Portuguese Colonial War, Mozambique finally achieved independence. The day holds profound historical and cultural significance for Mozambicans, symbolizing their hard-won freedom and the beginning of a new era of self-governance and national identity. It is celebrated across the country with various events, ceremonies, and cultural festivities that honour the sacrifices made during the struggle for independence and celebrate Mozambique’s rich heritage and diversity as an independent nation.

Day of the Seafarer

Every year, on June 25th, the international maritime community comes together to celebrate the Day of the Seafarer. This special day is dedicated to recognizing and honouring the invaluable contributions of seafarers to the world economy and our everyday lives. Seafarers play a crucial role in facilitating global trade, ensuring the availability of goods and commodities, and connecting nations across the vast oceans. Despite their essential work, seafarers often go unnoticed and face numerous challenges in their profession. The Day of the Seafarer provides an opportunity to appreciate their dedication, resilience, and sacrifice.

The Significance of Seafarers:

Seafarers are the backbone of international trade, carrying more than 90% of global goods. From transporting essential commodities like food, fuel, and medical supplies to facilitating the global supply chain, seafarers enable the functioning of our interconnected world. They work tirelessly on ships, often spending months away from their families and homes, enduring harsh weather conditions and isolation to ensure the smooth movement of cargo across oceans.

Challenges Faced by Seafarers:

Despite their crucial role, seafarers face a multitude of challenges that often go unnoticed. One of the pressing issues is the mental health and well-being of seafarers. Isolation, long working hours, separation from loved ones, and the inherent dangers of the job can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression among seafarers. 

Additionally, seafarers encounter issues such as piracy, dangerous weather conditions, and the risk of accidents at sea. Their work demands physical strength, technical expertise, and a constant need for adaptation and problem-solving. Seafarers also face issues related to inadequate training, poor working conditions, unfair treatment, and limited access to legal protection. Recognizing and addressing these challenges is vital to ensure the well-being and rights of seafarers worldwide.

Promoting the Welfare of Seafarers:

The Day of the Seafarer serves as a platform to raise awareness about the hardships faced by seafarers and advocate for their well-being. International organizations, governments, maritime companies, and individuals join forces to emphasize the importance of seafarers’ rights, mental health support, and fair working conditions. Efforts are made to improve training programs, enhance safety measures, and develop comprehensive policies that protect the rights and interests of seafarers.

Furthermore, initiatives such as the “Seafarers’ Happiness Index” and various counselling services have been established to provide emotional support and combat the mental health challenges faced by seafarers. Governments and organizations are encouraged to ratify and implement international conventions, such as the Maritime Labour Convention, which safeguards the rights of seafarers and ensures decent working and living conditions onboard ships.

Expressing Gratitude and Appreciation:

The Day of the Seafarer is an opportunity for all of us to express our gratitude and appreciation for the selfless dedication of seafarers. We can acknowledge their efforts by supporting campaigns that highlight their challenges, spreading awareness about their contribution, and advocating for their rights. Small gestures such as sending letters of appreciation, recognizing their contributions in media, or organizing events to honour their work can go a long way in showing our support.

The Day of the Seafarer is a reminder to recognize and appreciate the often-overlooked contributions of seafarers to our global economy and everyday lives. As we celebrate this day, let us not forget the sacrifices made by these brave men and women who navigate the seas, connecting nations and delivering essential goods worldwide. By advocating for their rights, promoting their well-being, and acknowledging their efforts, we can ensure that seafarers receive the respect and support they truly deserve.


Slovenia Statehood Day


Statehood Day, known also as National Day of Slovenia, is a holiday that occurs on 25 June in Slovenia to commemorate the country's declaration of independence from Yugoslavia in 1991. Although the formal declaration of independence did not come until 26 June 1991, Statehood Day is observed on 25 June since that was the date on which the initial acts regarding independence were passed and Slovenia became independent. Slovenia's declaration led to the Ten-Day War with Yugoslavia, which it eventually won. The war resulted in the signing of the Briony Agreement. According to this agreement, Yugoslavia withdrew its forces from the territory of Slovenia, and the latter suspended activities towards the declaration of independence for three months. Statehood Day is not to be confused with Slovenia's Independence and Unity Day, which is celebrated each year on 26 December in honour of 26 December 1990 and the official proclamation of the results of the plebiscite held three days earlier in which 88.5% of all Slovenian voters were in favor of Slovenia becoming a sovereign nation. Statehood Day is an official non-working holiday. Schools, colleges and businesses are closed to celebrate the holiday.

Croatia Independence Day


Croatia Independence Day is celebrated every year on June 25 to commemorate when Croatia proclaimed its intentions to sever its ties with the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Did you know that Croatia became an independent country after breaking away from Yugoslavia in 1991? Croatia is one of the youngest independent countries in the world. Croatia Independence Day is known as ‘Dan neovisnosti’ in Croatia. It was previously celebrated on October 8, which is now marked as the Day of the Croatian Parliament. Once a national public holiday, Croatia Independence Day is no longer an off-day and has become a Memorial Day purely. Croatia Independence Day was celebrated for the first time in 2002.

Michael Jackson's Death Anniversary


Michael Jackson, who passed away on 25 June 2009, aged 50, was one of the most successful and popular entertainers in music history. The American, known as the “King of Pop” began his musical career as a child, performing with his brothers in Jackson 5 before going solo in 1971. The Jackson 5 had numerous hits, including “ABC” and “I’ll Be There”.

After releasing the commercially successful album "Off the Wall" in 1979, he released "Thriller" in 1982, which became the best-selling album of all time with over 65 million copies sold and contained such hits as “Billie Jean”, “Beat It” and the title track.

Jackson, who became famous for his choreography and groundbreaking music videos, dominated pop music in the 1980s; successful albums "Bad" (1987) and "Dangerous" (1991) followed. The winner of 13 Grammy Awards, Jackson sold more than 350 million records and was one of the most influential entertainers in history.

Jackson's eccentric personal life dominated the latter half of his career, including his financial troubles, changing appearance and general behaviour. In the 1990s and 2000s he was accused of child sexual abuse, charges which he denied and was acquitted of in two highly publicized trials.

In 2009 he announced a series of comeback concerts, entitled This Is It. Before those concerts could be undertaken, he died aged 50 of a cardiac arrest, brought on by an accidental overdose of propofol administered by his personal physician. His death led to a global outpouring of grief and his memorial service was widely watched around the world.


George Orwell's Birth Anniversary


George Orwell, born 25 June 25 1903, in Motihari, Bengal, India, was an English novelist, essayist, and critic famous for his novels Animal Farm (1945) and Nineteen Eighty-four (1949). The latter of these is a profound anti-utopian novel that examines the dangers of totalitarian rule.

Born Eric Arthur Blair, Orwell never entirely abandoned his original name, but his first book, Down and Out in Paris and London, appeared in 1933 as the work of George Orwell (the surname he derived from the beautiful River Orwell in East Anglia). In time his nom de plume became so closely attached to him that few people but relatives knew his real name was Blair. The change in name corresponded to a profound shift in Orwell’s lifestyle, in which he changed from a pillar of the British imperial establishment into a literary and political rebel.

International Asteroid Day

International Asteroid Day, observed annually on June 30, is a global event aimed at raising awareness about asteroids and the potential h...