Annually, March 18th is designated as Global Recycling Day to raise understanding of the people about how our environment is harmed due to plastic. The day also raises awareness of recycling as an idea and an important concept. People host events throughout the year to raise awareness of their cause.
On March 18th, 2018, Global Recycling Day was established. People throughout the globe were encouraged to recycle. There have been thousands of events around the world. People posted on social media to promote these campaigns, and thousands and thousands of individuals participated in these campaigns. This has created a discussion on a global level on recycling routines among everyone, from global leaders to companies to individual citizens.
total of 23 Global Recycling Day activities occurred throughout the world when
the day was observed for the first time. Picking up garbage, media interviews,
and family-friendly activities was part of the campaign. It resulted in a big
event on London’s Carnaby Avenue. A total of 10,000 participants visited the
activities. This ensured that the concept of recycling was widely spreading.