Monday, August 26, 2024

International Dog Day


World seems like a wonderful place when there is love, happiness and a loyal presence who adores you and craves for your company. There is nothing quite like a dog who never leaves you alone, especially in your darkest hours, and wins your heart every day with their adorable ways. While it is believed that pet parents take care of their furry companions, it's the other way round too. In their company, life seems much easier than it is and all the fears and anxieties melt away. For dog lovers, every day is dedicated to their animal companions, but there is a special day to celebrate these precious buddies.

When is International Dog Day

International Dog Day founded by Animal Welfare Advocate and Pet Lifestyle Expert Collen Paige is observed every year on August 26. It was first celebrated in the year 2004 when Collen was 10 and his family adopted a dog for the first time.

History of International Dog Day

Colleen Paige was wise even at the age of 10. Long before he became a dog trainer, author, and animal rescue advocate the bright child thought of dedicating a day to dogs for bringing awareness how important animals are to motivate people for adopting pets. He chose August 26 for celebrating International Dog Day for honouring all kinds of dogs irrespective of their breeds, as this was the day when he and his family brought home Sheltie their first dog from an animal shelter.

Significance of International Dog Day

Dogs dedicate their lives for humans and their presence has a soothing effect. Some dogs can be trained to support disabled people while others can help in search and rescue operations with their incredible sense of smell. Above all, their capacity for love and undying loyalty makes them a precious addition to our lives.

Celebration of International Dog Day

You don't have to be necessarily a pet parent to celebrate this day, you can do your bit for the street animals who often have to struggle for basic amenities like food and shelter. From providing them food and water to helping with their vaccination, there's a lot you can do for them. Spending time with them and taking them to vet check-ups is also something anyone can do.



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