Thursday, January 25, 2024

M.N. Roy Death Anniversary


Manabendra Nath Roy known better as M.N. Roy, who passed away on 25 January 1954, was a leader of India’s communists until the independence of India in 1947.

His interest in social and political issues eventually led to involvement with various Indian groups engaged in trying to overthrow British colonial rule by acts of terrorism. In 1915 he became involved in a plot by Bengal revolutionaries to smuggle arms into India. The plot failed, and he vainly searched for the needed arms among various countries of East and Southeast Asia. In 1916 he reached San Francisco, Calif., where he changed his name to Manabendra Nath Roy.

Moving to Mexico, Roy helped found the Mexican Communist Party soon after the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. In Moscow he made a favourable impression on Russian communist leader, Vladimir Ilich Lenin and was put on the executive committee of the Communist International (Comintern).

Breaking with the Comintern in 1929 over the policies of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, Roy tried to return secretly to India but was arrested by the British and imprisoned. He was released a few years later and joined the Indian National Congress. Giving higher immediate priority to the defeat of fascism than to Indian independence, Roy opposed the Congress in its reluctance to aid the British in World War II. After India gained independence in 1947, Roy abandoned communism and became a founder of radical humanism, a mixture of socialist and liberal humanitarian ideas.

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