Thursday, May 2, 2024

Harry Potter Day

The enchanting world of Harry Potter has captivated audiences worldwide, instilling lifelong love for magic and adventure. From the iconic Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to the camaraderie shared by Harry, Ron, and Hermione, the series has left an indelible mark on readers and viewers alike. On Harry Potter Day, it’s time to delve back into the magic and celebrate the enduring legacy of the Boy Who Lived.


The series of Harry Potter books written by JK Rowling dates back to 1998, and the films made on those books started in 2001. However, a decade after the films were done, Harry Potter Day came to be established. The then President of the United Kingdom David Cameron announced that every year May 2 will be observed as Harry Potter Day to remind people of Harry's resilience and courage. It was commonly mistaken that the date falls on Harry Potter's birthday. However, a true Potterhead knows the real reason – on May 2, the great Battle of Hogwarts was fought and Lord Voldemort – Harry Potter's nemesis – was defeated.


Harry Potter, since childhood, has made us dream of a world that is ruled by magic, love, friendship and fun. On this day, dust the Harry Potter books and the DVDs from the shelves and gather your friends together. Wear your Harry Potter-themed pajamas and have a rerun of the films, because no matter what, we can never get enough of Harry Potter and the world of magic.

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