Friday, September 20, 2024

World Cleanup Day

On 8 December 2023, the United Nations General Assembly, in its seventy-eighth session, unanimously adopted resolution 78/122 "World Cleanup Day" which proclaims 20 September as World Cleanup Day. The resolution invites all Member States, organizations of the United Nations system, other international and regional organizations, and other relevant stakeholders - including civil society, the private sector and academia - to observe World Cleanup Day through activities aimed at raising awareness of the role clean-up efforts play in sustainable development. The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) facilitates the observance of the Day.

Over the years, many national, regional and local governments and communities have been undertaking clean-up activities globally. World Cleanup Day represents the reflection of their achievements. The clean-ups serve as a reminder of the collective responsibility we share in preserving and maintaining a clean and healthy environment as well as sustainable waste and resources management.

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