Thursday, March 21, 2024

World Down Syndrome Day

Every year, World Down Syndrome Day is observed on March 21. Every year, World Down Syndrome Day is observed to raise awareness about the discrimination faced by people with Down Syndrome. We should all come together to create unity in diversity and embrace the beauty of individuality.

Down Syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can affect a person physically and mentally. It makes communication and social interactions challenging for a person. In Down Syndrome, a person has an extra chromosome or an extra piece of a chromosome. This keeps changing as the person's body and brain develop. Some of the symptoms of Down Syndrome are distinct facial appearance, intellectual disability, and developmental delays. Some of the treatment options available for Down Syndrome are speech therapy, physical exercise and special education. The average life expectancy of a person with Down Syndrome is usually 60 years.


In 2012, World Down Syndrome Day was officially announced by the United Nations to be celebrated on March 21 every year. The date was chosen keeping in mind the 21st chromosome that is responsible for causing Down Syndrome. Since then, the special day is observed every year on March 21.


The day is celebrated to raise awareness about the rights, inclusion and wellbeing of people with Down Syndrome. It also emphasises on the need and support of families and friends together to help people with Down Syndrome feel included. Stereotypes and stigma surrounding the condition is challenged on this day. World Down Syndrome Day also celebrates the achievements and the contributions of people with Down Syndrome in promoting their independence and cause.

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