Thursday, June 13, 2024

Basil Rathbone's Birth Anniversary


Basil Rathbone, born on 13 June 1892, in Johannesburg, South Africa, was an English actor most recognized for his iconic portrayal of Sherlock Holmes in fourteen Hollywood films made between 1939 and 1946. Rathbone's embodiment of the detective, complete with deerstalker cap and curved pipe, has had an enduring influence on perceptions of the character.

Apart from Holmes, Rathbone appeared in over 70 films across his career, displaying his range as a performer. He starred as Sir Guy of Gisbourne in The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938), and also appeared in two of Universal's classic monster movies, Son of Frankenstein (1939) and Tower of London (1939).

On stage, Rathbone was equally accomplished, earning a Tony Award for Best Actor in a Play for his role in The Heiress on Broadway in 1949. He also performed in various radio programs, maintaining a prolific career until his death in 1967.

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